How does NATO defend against cyber attacks?

Most of us access cyberspace hundreds of times each day. Our interconnected world has improved our lives in countless ways, but it has also left us vulnerable to new threats. Chelsey Slack, Deputy Head of Cyber Defence, explains how NATO defends against cyber attacks. Over the past two decades, cyber operations have become a major […]

NATO and the INF Treaty

The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, or INF Treaty, was crucial to Euro-Atlantic security for decades. It eliminated a whole category of nuclear weapons that threatened Europe in the 1980s. All NATO Allies agree that the SSC-8 / 9M729 missile system developed and deployed by Russia violated the INF Treaty, while posing a significant risk to […]

NATO Deputy Secretary General visits Germany

NATO Deputy Secretary GeneraL visits Germany Image 1 of 21 NextNATOSee our content policy Download high resolution image 26 Sep. 2019 NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller meeting with Antje Leendertse, State Secretary of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany