Operations and missions: past and present

NATO is an active and leading contributor to peace and security on the international stage. It promotes democratic values and is committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes. However, if diplomatic efforts fail, it has the military capacity to undertake crisis management operations alone or in cooperation with other countries and international organisations.

English/Anglais AR2010-5003-17 February 2, 2010 KANDAHAR CITY, AFGHANISTAN  Corporal Adam Naslund watches his arcs as other members of the patrol stop to speak with locals.  Members of Stab A from the Kandahar Provincial Reconstruction Team (KPRT) conduct a foot patrol in District 9 of Kandahar City on 2 February 2010.  Joint Task Force Afghanistan (JTF-Afg) is the Canadian Forces (CF) contribution to the international effort in Afghanistan. Its operations focus on working with Afghan authorities to improve security, governance and economic development in Afghanistan. JTF-Afg comprises more than 2,750 CF members.  Photo credit: Master Corporal Matthew McGregor, Image Tech, JTFK Afghanistan, Roto 8  Français/French AR2010-5003-17 Le 2 février 2010  KANDAHAR CITY, AFGHANISTAN  Le Caporal Adam Naslund vérifie ses arcs de tir pendant que des membres de la patrouille s’arrêtent pour parler avec les habitants du coin.  Les membres du « Stab A » de l’Équipe provinciale de reconstruction de Kandahar (ÉPRK) font une patrouille à pied dans le district No 9 de Kandahar City le 2 février 2010.  La Force opérationnelle interarmées Afghanistan (FOI-Afg) est la contribution des Forces canadiennes (FC) auprès de l’effort international en Afghanistan.  Les opérations canadiennes s’articulent autour du travail avec les autorités afghanes afin d’améliorer la sécurité, la gouvernance et le développement économique du pays. La FOI-Afg se compose de plus de 2 750 membres des FC  Photo : Caporal-chef Matthew McGregor, Tech Imagerie, FOIK, Afghanistan, Roto 8


  • NATO is a crisis management organisation that has the capacity to undertake a wide range of military operations and missions.
  • Approximately 20,000 military personnel are engaged in NATO operations and missions around the world, managing often complex ground, air and naval operations in all types of environment.
  • Currently, NATO is leading operations in Afghanistan, Kosovo and the Mediterranean.
  • In 2018, NATO initiated a training mission in Iraq, which aims at developing the capacity of Iraq’s security forces, its defence and security institutions, and its national defence academies.
  • NATO is also supporting the African Union and conducting air policing missions on the request of its Allies. Furthermore, NATO is assisting with the response to the refugee and migrant crisis in Europe and has Patriot missiles and AWACS aircraft deployed in Turkey.
  • It also carries out disaster relief operations and missions to protect populations against natural, technological or humanitarian disasters.
  • The tempo and diversity of operations and missions in which NATO is involved have increased since the early 1990s.