RSS Feeds


Follow the latest from NATO via RSS & Podcast

NATO news via RSS

What is RSS?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Syndication) is an easy way to be informed of new stories and content posted on your favourite Web sites. Rather than having to visit many sites to find out if there are new items posted, special news readers shows it all to you in one screen. You will see the title of the recent content posted with a link to the full content on the particular Web site.

How do I use it?

Special RSS news readers, called ‘news aggregators’ are required for you to be able to use RSS feeds. Some Web browsers also have built-in RSS support. We do not endorse a particular reader or browser; you can locate RSS readers via web search engines. There are also many reviews of the various news aggregators available.

Once you have installed a news reader, you can subscribe to the NATO RSS feed:

  • Copy and paste the link of the NATO RSS feed into your news reader

Using NATO RSS feeds on your site

We encourage the use of NATO RSS feeds as part of a website, subject to our Disclaimer.

However, we do require that the proper format and attribution is used when NATO content appears. The attribution text should read “NATO News” or “From NATO” as appropriate. You may not use the NATO logo without specific permission.

NATO audio files via podcast

What is Podcast?

Podcasting is a method of publishing audio and video broadcasts via the Internet, where subcribers are automatically informed when a new edition of the broadcast is available. You can listen to these files on your computer or load them on to your MP3 player and take them with you.

How do I use it?

All you need to get started is podcasting software. We do not endorse a particular software; you can easily find it via Web search engines. There are also many reviews of the various software available.

Once you have downloaded and installed the software, you have 2 possibilities:

  • Copy the URL of the NATO Podcast & paste it into your podcasting application
  • Click on the iTunes-link if you are using iTunes

Your podcasting software will automatically check for updates and download the latest edition of the broadcast to your computer so you can listen to them, or load them onto your MP3 player.
